WWI veterans marching; carry protest signs; arriving in trucks and cars; USMC General Smedley Butler speaking to the Bonus Army.
Bonus Army March; Crowd cheering outside the Capitol Building; US Army tanks rolling along street; mounted squadron of 3rd Cavalry Regiment on street; coming to intervene on the Bonus Army and disperse camp.
Caucasian men jumping trains, riding the rails; groups of haggard. hungry, dirty, desperate men hitching rides on boxcars and flatbeds; African-American man getting off moving train.
Scenes of wealthy Americans maintaining their lifestyle well into the Great Depression: MS fancy black (Rolls Royce) car pulling through private driveway; TLS/MSs people in tuxedos and evening wear swaying, dancing on crowded ballroom floor; MSs champagne being poured at dining table.
Inauguration Day, Washington DC, March 4, 1933: MS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT & HERBERT HOOVER in car outside White House; TLS Capitol Dome, tilt down to gallery; TLS crowd gathered to hear speech.
Inauguration Day, Washington DC, March 4, 1933: TLSs FDR delivering Inaugural speech, calling for national action and broad executive power, if necessary.
Patriotic NRA (National Recovery Administration) parade; New York City; American flags abounding; parade floats; people marching; crowd in city street.
National Industry Recovery Act of 1933 (NIRA): MS NRA (National Recovery Administration) signs being positioned in store windows of a Jewish delicatessen, a restaurant, a barber shop, a clothing store, and a branch of the Pennsylvania Exchange Bank. Woman says, "I got a position at this bank after being out of work for two years and am I happy."
Montage of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) projects: explosions, construction of dam, turbines, u-handle electric switch being thrown, electricity being distributed, TVA workers on telephone poles and transformers and transporters.
High angle LS group of workers forming "CCC" in field. TLS/MSs of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) marching about camp and into forest, uprooting field, fighting forest fire; TLS line of pack mules on trail in forest. WPA (Works Progress Administration) and PWA (Public Works Administration) projects: TLS workers tearing up road at construction project in unidentified city; MS sign for WPA work program in Minnesota; MS African-American man speedily laying bricks on road project; MS workers hammering wooden stacks into ground w/large mallets; MSs workers shoveling wet cement.
WPA (Works Progress Administration) and PWA (Public Works Administration) projects: TLS workers constructing levee dam, pushing wheelbarrows; MSs workers breaking rocks, cityscape in BG; MS PWA sign; TLSs bridges, Bayonne Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge.
Caucasian men, businessmen and mechanic, testifying to the greatness of the New Deal in terms of the economy and the welfare of the working man. City street scenes, 1930s: TLS/MSs trolley cars, pedestrians, crowded bustling sidewalks, women boarding double-decker bus, woman window shopping.
African American community and rural poverty in New Deal Era; elderly African American woman on street with umbrella on street, police officer in BG; African Americans performing domestic work; street sweeping; woman sweeping sidewalk; iceman breaking ice block; mother combing daughter's hair on front step; man, domestic servant, watering bushes with garden hose; homeless African American man on street; poor African American neighborhood; men walking on sidewalk; rowhouses, shacks, shanties; families on front porch; children, toddler playing, boys. Poor rural Caucasian family in front of shack; woman mixing dough in bowl by hand; toddler, boy, eating.