
Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_1
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:05:23 - 01:11:03

Various shots in and around Al Aqsa (Alaqsa) Mosque. Opens with good shots of Muslim praying, then cuts to shots of conflict between young Palestinian men & Israeli police & soldiers.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_2
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:05:23 - 01:05:53

Excellent LS crowd of Islamic men on knees, bowing to Mecca outside Al Aqsa (Alaqsa) mosque, the Dome of the Rock in immediate BG; sound of muezzin leading prayer. Nice DOF MS rows of Muslim men standing on patio, bowing during prayer. TLS devout Muslims during prayer, shot from behind them, one young man wearing a backwards New York Yankees baseball cap. MS balding bearded middle-aged man on knees, flanked by other Muslims during sevice. TLS Muslim men mingling or dispersing along patio after service. Religion, faith, Islam, Muslim, Moslem.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_3
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:05:53 - 01:07:15

Shots of crowd of Muslim men outside Al Aqsa (Alaqsa) Mosque after service, some young men throwing rocks in direction of the Dome of the Rock while older men try to stop them from instigating trouble-- this may have been shot during Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited the Temple Mount on Sep. 28, 2000. MS two young Palestinian men destroying a security camera overlooking patio. TLS/MSs heavily armed Israeli police in full riot gear guarding entrance in courtyard. L/a TLS group of young Palestinian men, some of them masked, chanting angrily behind barbed wire fence atop stone arch overlooking courtyard. TLS young Palestinian men throwing rocks across street at Israeli police. MS Muslim woman & man carrying injured man; they fall. TLS/MSs Palestinian paramedics quickly placing man on stretcher, carrying him away through courytard. TLS soldiers overlooking courtyard as men disperse.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_4
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:07:15 - 01:10:39

Shot of chaos as young Arab men run every-which-way along street. Gruesome shot Palestinian paramedics racing into olive tree grove, placing severely injured (if not already dead) man onto stretcher-- head trauma, his head a bloody mess; they rush the man into an awaiting ambulance which then pulls away before the hatchback door can be closed. MSs three Israeli soldiers standing behind military Jeep, one of them reloading tear gas gun while another aims & fires AR-15 (CAR-15) rifle outfitted w/ rubber bullets & muzzle. MS young Arab man throwing rocks at soldiers from behind cluster of rocks. Shots of Palestinian men dragging severely injured comrade from behind tree, away from site of conflict w/ police; they lead the apparently dead young man into Red Crescent ambulance, which pulls away. MS Red Crescent paramedics carrying injured man on stretcher through courtyard, sound of muezzin leading call to prayer. MS Arab woman wearing head scarf, holding rock & bag of flour, talking angrily in Arabic to camera. TLS/MSs other injured Palestinian men being stretchered to ambulances while press photographers take pictures. MS Red Crescent ambulance pulling away, crowd of young Palestinian men standing about.

Muslims Praying / Palestinian & Israeli Conflict
Clip: 497186_1_5
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 01:10:39 - 01:11:03

MSs fire raging inside barricaded house. TLS smoke rising from courtyard. Nice h/a WLS Temple Mount area, Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque visible, smoke rising from spot on screen right.